Path of the Snake

Path of the Snake

I have a friend who recently dropped out of a grad school he had been wanting to attend for years, and which I thought he was a perfect match for.  It was a program in somatic therapy, and he is a person who is naturally in tune with himself and always expressing himself through movement and dance.  When he told me he was dropping out, I couldn’t believe it - it was like The Flash quitting the track team.  We got to talking, and he told me the reason he was leaving the program was that it was too hard.  He said he loved the focus on dance and movement therapy, but that the pressure to turn inwritten papers every couple weeks was just too much.  He wondered what was even the point of all this writing when the focus should have been on somatic awareness, and he left...

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Crossing Boundaries

Crossing Boundaries

People talk about boundaries quite a lot these days - holding boundaries, crossing boundaries, clarifying boundaries, etc.  And the expectation when you hear a word like boundary is quite punitive - what happens when they get crossed?  A situation that I see often with clients is that one person will be furious that their boundaries have not been respected while the other person doesn’t really understand what is meant by a boundary to begin with, let alone how they disrespected it.  To be sure, the topic of boundaries is a tricky one in any relationship, and is even more difficult to navigate between parents and children...

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